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Approved Minutes 03/04/2010
Minutes 03/04/2010

Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
March 4, 2010

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, Tim Kavanaugh, Mark George, Helen Sides, and Christine Sullivan.  Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Tom Devine, Recording Clerk.  Absent: John Moustakis, Vice Chair, Nadine Hanscom, Tim Ready, and Randy Clark.

Approval of Minutes

The amended minutes of February 4, 2010 were reviewed.

There being no comments, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to approve the amended minutes of February 4, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved 5-0 (Chuck Puleo, Tim Kavanaugh, Mark George, Helen Sides, and Christine Sullivan in favor, none opposed).

The minutes of February 18, 2010 were reviewed.  Ms. Sullivan requested that the Enterprise Center be referred to by its name in the 2nd full paragraph on page 5 and that wording be clarified in the 3rd full paragraph on page six.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Helen Sides to approve the minutes of February 18 with changes, seconded by Mark George and approved 5-0 (Chuck Puleo, Tim Kavanaugh, Mark George, Helen Sides, and Christine Sullivan in favor, none opposed).

Form A Application for Endorsement of Plan Believed Not to Require Approval under Subdivision Control – 134 and 142 BRIDGE STREET (Map 35, Lots 599 and 45).  Brian Boches.

Mr. Boches identified the proposed changes on the plan.  Mr. Puleo and Mr. George asked for clarification.  Mr. Boches said that he tore down a condemned house and adjusted the borders to better accommodate parking.  He noted that he has already received a variance for a new 2-family and Mr. Puleo added that the variance is noted on the plan.  Mr. George remarked that the proposed plan is a better configuration than what is there now.  Ms. McKnight stated that the department recommends approval because the plan creates no new zoning issues, and the frontage is not changing.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Christine Sullivan to approve the plan, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved 5-0 (Chuck Puleo, Tim Kavanaugh, Mark George, Helen Sides, and Christine Sullivan in favor, none opposed).

Public Hearing: Petition of SHALLOP LANDING AT COLLINS COVE PARTNERSHIP LLC for a Wetlands and Flood Hazard District Special Permit, and for a Definitive Subdivision Plan, to allow the subdivision of 92,740 square feet of land between SZETELA LANE and FORT AVENUE, Salem, MA (Assessors Map 41, Lots 235, 236, 243, 244, 245, and 274) into fifteen (15) single-family house lots, the construction of fifteen (15) single-family homes, and the construction a new street off of Szetela Lane.  Applicant requests to continue to April 1, 2010.

Mr. Puleo noted for anyone present interested in this application that the applicant has requested to continue.  Ms. McKnight noted that the public hearing has yet to be opened.

Public Hearing: Request of HIGH ROCK BRIDGE STREET, LLC for a Wetlands and Flood Hazard Special Permit, and for Site Plan Review and Special Permits within the North River Canal Corridor Neighborhood Mixed Use District, for the property located at 401 BRIDGE STREET (Map 25, Lot 74) and 44 BOSTON STREET (Map 15, Lot 305) (proposed Gateway Center, including Senior Center).  Attorney Joseph Correnti.  Applicant requests to continue to March 18, 2010.

Mr. Puleo noted the letter in which the applicant has requested to continue at the April 1st meeting.  Ms. McKnight read the letter aloud.

Mr. George brought up the traffic problems in the part of the city in which the site is located; a general discussion about traffic ensued.  Tim Kavanaugh noted that while he had comments to make, the Board needed to bring the discussion back to the request to continue and to vote.  A motion was made by Mr. Kavanaugh to approve the request to continue the Public Hearing to the April 1st meeting, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved 5-0 (Chuck Puleo, Tim Kavanaugh, Mark George, Helen Sides, and Christine Sullivan in favor, none opposed).

The Board went on to discuss traffic issues in the downtown, scheduling a possible board training session, and possible alternative locations for some upcoming projects that may attract many members of the public.

Old/New Business



A motion was made by Mark George to adjourn, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved 5-0 (Chuck Puleo, Tim Kavanaugh, Mark George, Helen Sides, and Christine Sullivan in favor, none opposed).

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Devine
Planning Board Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board 3/18/10